The table in front of the window is my soldering area. I *think* it's set up the way I want it to be; though it's hard to say since I haven't actually used it yet. I just got my own tank and torch, and I still need ventilation. Now you can see the double windows that I mentioned in the Stage 4 post. Notice how low they are...to have ventilation with the box fan, I'll need some sort of brace to hold it up high enough to have an effect on airflow. That will likely end up being B's last project for this room (and will he ever be happy about that!). I'll post another photo when that's done. On the far right of that table is my flex shaft, and by the front left leg is the newly filled tank. It needs to be chained to the leg still.
To the left in the first photo, you can see what was previously a closet. Not much of one - never had a door (we put up a curtain), and it's only two feet deep (the same depth as all the other closets in our house - yes, we got totally gypped when it came to closet space) - but now it is my mailing / shipping / storage nook.

Above is a close-up of the nook. The closet had one shelf; we added the top shelf for additional storage. The brown desk (which was originally my mother's), fits almost perfectly in that space. the top organizer is a hutch from a computer table that I got at a smokin' price from an office supply store, since I didn't need the whole table.

And finally, one of my little favorite things about this room: the funky flower corkboard. It fits perfectly in this small wall space. This is where wholesale orders will get pinned after the show next month!
Great post sharing information related to soldering jewelry