To the right of the main wall is my computer station and additional shelving. I'd poked around a bit, on Craigslist and such, looking for the right computer desk, but nothing was
quite right enough.
Brett found this (brand new) desk - perfect size - at an office supply store for $50 (at the same time he bought me a Snuggie, but that's a story for another time). The new desk is waaaay better than my old configuration, and almost everything I use regularly is close at hand. These shelves mostly hold paperwork and more paperwork. Managing the paper trail is a full time job by itself!

A better view of the computer desk and shelves. To the right of the desk is another storage container where I keep all the little things, like paper clips, stamps, etc. The numerous white binders on the shelf above the computer table have design information, tech info, business info...all sorts of stuff I reference regularly.

These two boards are just to the right of the computer. Right now they are blank because I want to use them for pricing and pinning up designs to see how they fill out my collections. I'm almost to the point of doing that now, which means that they will be very messy, very quickly!
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